The novel's sequel, The Bear and the Dragon, was released in 2000. It also received some backlash from the environmental movement for its negative depiction of radical environmentalism. It received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the action scenes and suspense but criticized the writing of some characters and its unrealistic plot. The novel debuted at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list.
Rainbow Six follows 'Rainbow', a secret international counterterrorist organization headed by Clark (codenamed 'Rainbow Six'), and the complex apocalyptic conspiracy they unravel after handling multiple seemingly random terrorist attacks. It is the second book to primarily focus on John Clark, one of the recurring characters in the Ryanverse, after Without Remorse (1993) it also features his son-in-law, Domingo 'Ding' Chavez. Rainbow Six is a techno-thriller novel written by Tom Clancy and released on August 3, 1998.